Encourage Proper Oral Hygiene Early
Promoting daily brushing and flossing for children by making it a routine early on. Since little ones may not brush and floss on their own teeth thoroughly, parents should be involved in aiding children with brushing and flossing until a child reaches the ages of 8 years old.
One easy way to start such a routine is to incorporate brushing during bath time for toddlers. Start encouraging your young one to participate in brushing as soon as they are comfortable holding a toothbrush. As the child’s dexterity improves parents can allow the child to brush on their own and supervise the amount of time (2 min) and quality of brushing. Creating such a routine early on can help make both you and your children’s dental health much more enjoyable.
Also it is important to remember that when you brush your child’s teeth to use slow sweeping strokes that gently message the gums. Putting too much pressure on the brush can be painful on the child’s gum and make them avoid brushing all together.
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